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Do I Need an Attorney for This Auto Accident Case?

Feb 11, 2022 | Auto Accident


Regretfully, insurance companies often offer low-ball settlements to try and make auto accident cases go away quickly and efficiently. While accident victims are generally willing to work with the insurance company directly to reach a favorable agreement.

If you find yourself in one of these situations with an insurance company that is unwilling to negotiate and offer fair compensation for your property damage and injuries, you need an attorney.

Questions Your Attorney Will Ask During Auto Accident Cases

After an auto accident, most victims don’t know the questions they should be asking the insurance company. Your attorney will guide your case by asking questions like:

  • Are they offering to pay for the time you missed from work?
  • Are they providing adequate coverage to repair or replace your car?
  • How much are they offering you for pain and suffering or the trouble the accident has caused you?
  • Has your medical professional cleared you from your auto accident injuries?

That last one is very important. You must follow through on the treatment plan your medical provider sets. That way, you have the best chance of recovering fully. And only at that point are you in a position to resolve your case. Before your medical provider clears you, there’s no way to know your total expenses for medical treatment.

Insurance companies try to settle cases quickly before the victim realizes the full extent of their expenses. This helps the insurance company control costs, but it doesn’t help victims get back to the lives they were living before the accident.

Why You Need to Talk to an Attorney

An attorney offers an unbiased opinion about your case. Having a third-party review your case details and what the insurance company is saying can help you protect your rights. There are several benefits of talking to an attorney after an auto accident:

  • Most provide a free consultation to offer initial advice at no cost to you
  • Free consultations can be face-to-face, over the phone, or using video conferencing to meet your needs and your schedule
  • You’ll learn what you have a right to recover damages for after an accident
  • Protects your rights if the insurance company is being unreasonable
  • Can help you get more money to actually cover your expenses and inconveniences
  • Ensures you fully recover medically before finalizing a settlement so that you can return to your way of life

You don’t want to discover a few months or even years from now that you have significant medical issues because you had to limit your medical expenses based on the settlement the insurance company offered you.

Not only will you have to deal with the pain of the injuries, but your medical bills will likely far exceed the original settlement amount you accepted from the insurance company. 

When to Hire an Attorney After an Accident

After an auto accident, you likely want to resolve the issue as quickly as possible to move on with your life. As understandable as it is, moving on quickly may affect your financial stability.

Every auto accident case is unique, but as a general guide, here are some examples of times you’ll know it’s time to hire an attorney.

  • You sustained injuries because of an auto accident. Injury claims often complicate car accident claims
  • The insurance company is making it challenging to get your bills paid
  • You’re feeling pressured by the insurance company to accept a settlement despite it being only a few weeks or months after the accident
  • You know little about legal proceedings and want some guidance on how to handle the situation

Auto accident victims hire attorneys for a variety of reasons. You don’t have to fall into one of these scenarios to give Stewart & Stewart a call. We’ll be your advocate no matter the circumstances surrounding your claim. Contact us now to schedule your free consultation.

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