Even with laws in place that require drivers to carry auto insurance, many still go without it. Every day, innocent people are hurt in car wrecks where the at-fault party doesn’t have insurance. When this happens, a car wreck can become much more complicated and harder to resolve. That’s why it’s so important to carry uninsured coverage on your own auto insurance policy to be ready for situations like this. If you don’t have uninsured coverage on your policy and you are in a wreck with someone who doesn’t have insurance, a judgment against that driver may only be worth as much as the paper it’s written on, which is extremely unfortunate.
Because of this, it’s so important to be ready for that scenario to happen by acting proactively and getting an uninsured coverage policy. If you do have uninsured coverage, your attorney will look to your own insurance company for help once an accident occurs. Your insurance company steps into the shoes of the person who hit you from an economic standpoint. If you have uninsured coverage, you’ve paid premiums for that and you’ve done your job so your own insurance company becomes the source of recovery.
Our legislator has done their part in requiring drivers to have insurance by making it a law, but it doesn’t mean that everybody is going to have auto insurance. If you get into an accident with an uninsured driver and don’t have uninsured motorist coverage, your collision coverage will usually cover the costs, but you won’t be able to seek any payments for medical bills. If neither you or the driver has insurance, you will have to pay for all repairs and medical bills out of pocket, and could be in trouble with the law.
Whether you have uninsured motorist coverage or not and have been involved in an accident with a driver who does not have auto insurance, it’s important to hire a lawyer to help you get the settlement you deserve. Car accidents involving uninsured motorists can be difficult as you first must prove fault, which is harder to do without two insurance companies working together to make a deal.
If you’ve been involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist, contact the car accident attorneys at Stewart and Stewart. We have tons of experience dealing with these situations and will work hard to make sure you and your family receive the recovery that is deserved. Give us a call at 1-800-33-33-LAW or visit our website for more information.