July 11, 2012
The family of a 20-year-old Indiana woman who died from a disease caused by the use of an everyday hygienic product has filed an Indiana Medical Malpractice lawsuit against the manufacturer and the hospital and doctors who cared for her. The suit claims it was a “breach of duty” and “negligence” that caused her death. An article from WISHTV 8 News says that the cause of the woman’s death was Toxic Shock Syndrome.
Just over a year ago, the girl was admitted to the hospital for what seemed to be flu like symptoms, such as fever, nausea, and diarrhea. Her condition continued to worsen as her blood pressure dropped and her pulse skyrocketed. She died before doctors could conclude what was wrong with her.
Later testing confirmed that the young woman had died from Toxic Shock Syndrome caused by the use of tampons. Experts say that certain fibers used to manufacture the products can break off inside a woman’s body and be absorbed into their bloodstream, causing sickness and death.
In the 1980’s, 38 women died as a result of the condition and very little has been done to curb the problem since. Experts believe that the number of cases reported today is about the same as 30 years ago.
The Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers with Stewart and Stewart Injury Lawyers would like to offer their condolences to the family of the young woman that died.