You might think you have a lot of time to consider your options after a car accident, but the truth is, you don’t. Here are 3 ways taking your time to call an attorney after an accident can put you in a tough situation.
Statute of Limitations—There are deadlines for filing injury claims. If you wait too long to call an attorney, you could compromise your chances of getting any compensation at all.
Insurance Company’s Case—The one thing standing between you and a fair settlement after an accident is the insurance company. While you’re waiting to call an attorney, the insurance company is building a case against you. Their goal is to pay you as little as possible for your injury claim. Giving them a head start on figuring out how to make that reality is never a good idea.
Medical Expenses—The longer you wait to call a lawyer, the more medical expenses are going to stack up. Many firms will front the cost of your medical treatment so you have no initial upfront costs. Otherwise, you’re on your own to pay them and make ends meet at the same time.
Time can be the biggest factor in how much you get for your injury claim, which is why most our clients call within days of their accident. Don’t wait to get the help you need. Call our Indiana car accident attorneys today and we’ll get started on your case immediately.