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New Research on Nursing Home Abuse in the U.S.

Nov 18, 2015 | Nursing Home Abuse


A new study hopes to shed light on the frequency in which older Americans are verbally, physically, or financially abused by their caregiver. The study also offers several solutions for helping to address the problem of nursing home abuse in the U.S.

A team of researchers from the Center of Aging Research and Clinical Care at Cornell University examined data that had been collected over the years and found that as many as 10 percent of elderly citizens are the victims of nursing home abuse. However, the team also found this number may not be accurate because of the number of victims who never report the abuse they suffer.

The study, which was published in the most recent issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, also discussed the important roles doctors can play in identifying and putting a stop to nursing home abuse. Researchers suggest physicians are one of an elderly patient’s front line defenses against abuse, considering doctors are in a position to notice injuries and changes in behavior that may be indicative of nursing home abuse. The team goes on to suggest that doctors should play a more significant role in intervening in cases where abuse or neglect is suspected.

At Stewart & Stewart Attorneys, we recognize the risks of nursing home abuse elderly citizens face and the Indiana personal injury lawyers are hopeful this new data can be used to spread a message of awareness about the problem.

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