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7 Signs of Medical Malpractice

Nov 2, 2020 | Medical Malpractice


When you’re not feeling well, you head to the doctor and trust that they will do what is best for you. And while doctors can certainly be trustworthy individuals, sometimes there are things they don’t tell patients, missteps that they take, or negligence in providing care. When those things happen, you might be the victim of medical malpractice in Indiana.

The best way to know whether you have a med mal claim is to discuss the matter with an attorney. Your attorney will ask some questions and review copies of your medical records to get a better idea of what’s going on.

Signs of Medical Malpractice in Indiana

Before you meet with an attorney, you need to have some inclination that something isn’t right with your care. Before seeing a medical professional for any form of treatment or visit, be sure you know the signs of medical malpractice. The sooner you spot medical malpractice, the fewer complications you might experience and the faster you can get proper care from another professional.

1. The Treatment You’re Receiving Is Ineffective

If your doctor diagnoses you with a condition or problem and puts you on medication or does a surgery but you’re not seeing improvement, this could be a red flag that the doctor is not taking proper steps. Your doctor might have misdiagnosed you or you might be on the wrong treatment plan for your specific circumstances.

2. Your Treatment Plan Doesn’t Seem to Match Your Diagnosis

Sometimes, doctors prescribe invasive drugs that carry with them serious side effects and yet the condition that the drug is prescribed to treat isn’t that serious. Or, your doctor might recommend surgery for a minor ailment when less invasive measures could be tried first. This is a serious sign of malpractice and could be a way your doctor is ensuring they meet financial quotas for the month.

3. Your Doctor Only Orders Basic Lab Tests

The only way to diagnose some serious diseases is through extensive tests. And while you might want to take these tests one by one in your search for answers about why you aren’t feeling well, a sign that something isn’t right is when a doctor only orders basic lab tests and doesn’t look into the matter further. They tell you that you’re healthy and that you might feel better with time. This is medical malpractice in the form of inaction where a doctor should be doing more to investigate why you aren’t feeling well.

4. A Second Opinion Points to a Different Diagnosis

When your doctor prescribes invasive treatment or surgery, you might seek a second opinion. That second opinion might point to something completely different from what your original doctor diagnosed. This is a sign of medical malpractice. Receiving a different diagnosis from different doctors is something that should indicate to you that something isn’t right about your medical care.

5. You Saw Signs at the Medical Facility of Understaffing

If you stay in a hospital or medical facility and it’s difficult for you to get attention from your medical providers, this might be a sign of understaffing. Poor medical facility staffing can be a sign of medical negligence. Patients who have unmet needs while in a medical facility are often the victims of neglect and should discuss the matter with a medical malpractice attorney in Indiana.

6. Surgery Errors That Could Be Med Mal

Unlike neglect or improper diagnosis, surgery errors can be more difficult to notice. Pay close attention to your symptoms after surgery. If you suddenly develop new symptoms, you might be the victim of medical malpractice. Or, if your original symptoms don’t improve after surgery, this could be another sign that a doctor made a mistake during surgery or misdiagnosed you before the surgery even took place.

7. Your Doctor’s Care Had Poor Follow Through

After beginning a new treatment regimen, your doctor should require follow-up appointments. That’s because, during follow-up, a doctor might discover that the symptoms you were experiencing were actually something else. Minor symptoms could be masking serious issues so instead of just assuming that they got the treatment right the first time, the doctor should require a follow-up appointment to check-in and ensure you are feeling better and the symptoms have stopped.

When to Hire a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Indiana

The sooner you discuss your concerns about medical malpractice with a skilled attorney, the better. Information and details relating to your care will be fresher in your mind and you’ll ensure you don’t miss the two-year statute of limitations on medical malpractice lawsuits.

Stewart & Stewart is a team of skilled med mal attorneys ready to help you through this difficult time. Whether you’re pursuing charges against a doctor you received treatment for or are seeking compensation for the wrongful death of a loved one due to medical malpractice, we’ll be here to help. Schedule a free consultation with us to learn more. 


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