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Researchers Examine Public Opinion on Preventable Medical Errors

Apr 22, 2015 | Medical Malpractice


When we visit our doctor or a hospital, we trust that the medical staff will protect our health and safety. The Indianapolis medical malpractice lawyers at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys point out that, unfortunately, thousands of Americans are seriously harmed as the result of preventable medical errors each year.

One study recently conducted at Harvard University examines how often preventable medical errors occur, as well as the public’s opinion on the risk factors while receiving medical treatment. Reports indicate the research was funded by the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction.

According to The National Law Review, researchers surveyed 1,224 adults about the medical care they received. Just under one-quarter of those who were surveyed stated they or a loved one were the victim of a preventable medical error in the past in the past. Approximately half of those respondents stated their health had been seriously harmed as a result of the error.

Roughly 90 percent of respondents felt doctors’ offices and hospitals should be required to report errors, yet more than half of medical error victims failed to report the incident. A majority cited the belief that reporting the matter would do no good to resolve the problem.

At Stewart & Stewart Attorneys, we believe in the importance of holding medical professionals accountable for their negligence, which is why our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers encourage victims of medical errors to report instances of potential medical malpractice. An experienced medical malpractice attorney can help ensure your rights are protected at all times. Find out more about how a lawyer can help by calling our staff at (800) 33-33-LAW.

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