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Common Misconceptions About Anderson, IN Personal Injury Claims

Apr 3, 2024 | Personal Injury


personal injury claims

Misconceptions abound when it comes to personal injury cases. Victims often think they don’t really need a lawyer or that they’ll have to go to court if they pursue compensation. Both of these beliefs are false, and an Anderson personal injury lawyer explains why below.

Anderson, IN, Lawyers Are Too Expensive

Many accident victims forgo hiring a lawyer because of the cost. They don’t have money to shell out for an attorney, especially when they’ve got medical bills and debt collectors breathing down their necks.

Of all the misconceptions about personal injury claims, this one is all too common. However, victims needn’t worry about cost, as most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. That means victims won’t owe money unless the lawyer wins, and that money comes out of their award or settlement.

Victims Can’t Seek Compensation If They Are at Fault

Many victims don’t bother pursuing compensation because they are partially at fault for their accident. Perhaps they were distracted by their phone or crying child.

Accidents in Anderson, IN, follow modified comparative fault rules, meaning victims can recover damages as long as they’re less than 51% at fault.

The Insurance Company Will Handle Everything

It’s tempting to let the insurance company take the reins after an accident. The adjuster will investigate what happened after victims file a claim, make an offer, and send a settlement check. They make the process sound perfectly simple and stress-free.

This misconception is dangerous because it can cost victims thousands. Insurance companies aren’t in the business of giving handouts. They’ll usually offer the lowest settlement that a victim may accept.

An Anderson, IN, attorney knows this and can negotiate with the insurance company for additional recovery.

Hiring a Lawyer Means Going to Court

After an accident, battling a defendant in court is definitely the last thing victims want to do. It should ease their mind, then, to know that nearly all personal injury cases settle out of court.

Lawsuits and court fees are expensive, so it’s in the insurance company’s interest to settle as quickly as possible. Victims will only need to proceed to a trial if the insurer refuses to negotiate, which is rare.

Anderson, IN, Attorneys Help Victims Seek Justice

Misconceptions about personal injury claims are dangerous because they can cost victims a lot of money. Stewart & Stewart Attorneys is dedicated to fighting these misconceptions and helping clients win a fair settlement for their car accidents.

Anderson, IN, readers who would like to learn more can call Stewart & Stewart Attorneys at (800) 333-3529 for a free consultation.

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If you have been involved in an Indiana personal injury accident, contact us at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys. Our Indiana personal injury lawyers represent victims throughout the state, including Carmel and Anderson. We have also successfully advocated for clients throughout the area, including Fort Wayne, Gary, Indianapolis, South Bend. Complete a free online consultation form or call us at (800) 33-33-LAW!

Stewart & Stewart Attorneys have the knowledge and experience to defend your rights in the following areas of Indiana injury law: auto accident, brain injury, drug injury, defective product, fire and burn injury, insurance dispute, medical malpractice, motorcycle accident, nursing home abuse, slip and fall,  truck accident, workers’ compensation and wrongful death.