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3 Complications Victims Deal with Following a Fire

Mar 26, 2019 | Fire and Burn Injury


No one ever want to experience a fire and with large house fires seemingly so rare, it’s something most of us never think about. But the truth is, fires are actually quite common and can lead to prolonged complications. And it’s not just house fires that people should be wary of—you can deal with the aftermath of a fire in an apartment, at your work or even inside your car.Complications Victims Deal with Following a Fire

The most unfortunate aspect of a fire is that the majority of the time, they occur due to the negligence of someone else, whether that’s the builder of the home or the landlord of the apartment complex. For many who experience a fire in a rented home or apartment, a landlord can be to blame if they do not follow fire safety measures. It is their job to ensure smoke detectors work properly, fire doors are installed and that all fire exits are kept clear. When negligence is involved, it’s important for victims to contact a fire and burn injury lawyer to get the compensation you need to get back on your feet.

Following a fire of any sort, victims deal with a difficult aftermath and many complications.


No matter where a fire occurs, victims are likely to experience injuries, most commonly burns. Burns can range from surface level to deep and life-threatening, so it’s important for all fire victims to seek medical attention to ensure their burns are treated properly. There are three levels of burns that fire victims will experience:

  • First degree burn: this is a burn that only affects the top layer of the skin. While these can be extremely painful, they are often not life-threatening and heal quite quickly. Medical attention should still be sought out after a fire, but this type of burn can usually be treated at home by the victim.
  • Second degree burn: a second degree burn is a bit more severe as it goes beyond that first layer of your skin. A doctor or hospital will probably advise you to keep your burn bandaged and to care for it properly for a few weeks until it is fully healed. More complicated second degree burns, or second degree burns that span the entire body, will likely need increased medical attention.
  • Third degree burn: the worst kind of burn, a third degree burn not only torches your skin but can reach down to your bones and organs and affect them, too. Rightfully so, these burns are the most damaging and can lead to life-threatening illnesses, nerve damage and even death.


Property Damage

A fire leaves victims with damages to their skin and body, but it also leaves lifelong damages to their property. When a fire occurs in the home, it often acts quickly, making it nearly impossible to retrieve personal belongings. If the fire spreads throughout the house, it can leave families homeless or without items that help them sustain their everyday lives. If the fire occurred due to the negligence of someone else, you deserve to be compensated for everything you lost. While personal items and family heirlooms can never be replaced, it’s imperative that you contact a fire and property damage attorney so you can replace the things that are, such as a roof over your head, clothing and everyday necessities. The same is true for those who are displaced from an apartment, unable to attend their place of work or who lose their vehicle due to a fire.

In addition to dealing with the loss, you will likely also be dealing with your insurance company. Often, insurance companies may not offer to cover all of your losses and may try to give you the run around knowing you are in a fragile state. An experienced attorney can help handle this for you so you can focus on getting you and your family into temporary housing or back to life as normal.

Loss of Livelihood

Our homes are the heart of our lives. It is where we retreat to, where we find comfort and where our families go to be together and live day-to-day. When a fire occurs in our homes, it can be a life altering situation that leads to not only the physical detriments and loss of property mentioned above, but also emotional turmoil victims may not expect. Even if you experience a fire at your workplace or in your vehicle, you could end up experiencing emotional trauma and the inability to live your life as normal.

At Stewart & Stewart, we understand how difficult the aftermath of a fire is, no matter where or how it occurred. We want to help our clients get the compensation they need so they can get back on their feet as soon as possible. If you or a loved one experienced a fire due to the negligence of another, contact us today to learn more about how we can help you. Give us a call at 1-800-33-33-LAW or visit our website for more information.

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Stewart & Stewart Attorneys have the knowledge and experience to defend your rights in the following areas of Indiana injury law: auto accident, brain injury, drug injury, defective product, fire and burn injury, insurance dispute, medical malpractice, motorcycle accident, nursing home abuse, slip and fall,  truck accident, workers’ compensation and wrongful death.