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Can I Sue the Makers of Paraquat if I Was Diagnosed With Parkinson’s After Being Exposed?

Mar 18, 2022 | Defective Product


Paraquat is a chemical used in the treatment of farms and other agriculture. Landscaping companies also use it to control vegetation and prevent weeds. 

Over time, research has found that continued exposure to paraquat causes Parkinson’s disease. This often is for people who are spraying or otherwise using paraquat. 

There is pending litigation against paraquat makers that presents medical evidence demonstrating the connection between the chemical and Parkinson’s disease. 

Legal Standing for Lawsuit Against Manufacturer of Paraquat

Because there is now a clear connection between the chemical and the disease, victims should be contacting an attorney if they had repeated exposure and now suffer from Parkinson’s

An attorney can work with you to review the timeline of your paraquat exposure and your doctor’s formal diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. 

It could be that you can join the class-action lawsuit that is pending against the makers of paraquat. Or it might be better to pursue your case individually. 

Most often, victims of paraquat include farmers and those who work with farmers in the chemical application or the landscaping industry. Really anyone who was continuously exposed to paraquat can suffer side effects due to that exposure.

History of Paraquat

Knowing whether you might have been exposed to paraquat in your line of work comes down to understanding how and when it was used. Here’s a short history of paraquat. 

Commercial use of paraquat began in 1961. It is one of the most commonly used herbicides in the world. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies paraquat as restricted use. These chemicals require a licensed applicator. 

Because the EPA and others recognize how poisonous paraquat is, all US products use a blue dye. That way, the chemical cannot be confused with edible products. Plus, it has a sharp odor to further protect people from mistaking it for food. In case it is mistakenly ingested, the chemical also has an added agent that induces vomiting to protect people’s bodies from processing the chemical.

Although the chemical has many protections against ingesting it, another way that people can become poisoned by the chemical is through skin exposure. The process of skin exposure poisoning can be sped up if the host has an open wound or rash through which paraquat can easily enter the body.

Furthermore, paraquat is dangerous when inhaled. It can cause lung damage and is a major concern with marijuana farming in the US. 

No matter how the chemical enters the body – whether ingested, inhaled or through the skin – once inside the body, paraquat distributes through all areas of the body quickly. It can attack the lungs, liver, and kidneys. 

Hiring a Paraquat Lawyer

Defective and dangerous product laws are in place to protect people. You should be able to purchase products and use them without concern for your health. And when product manufacturers don’t do their part to look out for people, they should be held accountable.

As you seek out a paraquat lawyer to defend you, consider these characteristics of a successful attorney.

  • Free case review: your attorney should offer a free case review to help you learn more about your legal standing without paying or committing to hiring the attorney.
  • Successful representation of other similar clients: while paraquat is still an emerging issue, you want an attorney with a proven track record when it comes to defective products.
  • Experience: look for law firms with many years of experience or experienced attorneys that oversee younger attorneys as they learn.

If you’re suffering from Parkinson’s disease due to exposure to paraquat, contact Stewart & Stewart for a free case evaluation and consultation.

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