For Indiana workers earning minimum wage, meeting basic financial needs can be difficult. Money can become even tighter if you have to pay for certain items you use at work, such as uniforms. The Indianapolis wage and hour lawyers at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys say that’s why new laws were created to help protect earnings from these types of expenses.
According to the Indiana Department of Labor, law changes that took effect on July 1, 2015, now allow employers to charge workers for costs associated with the purchase of uniforms, equipment purchases or rentals, or any other item deemed necessary to complete work tasks. However, there are certain stipulations that apply to these new rules.
Under the new policy, employers are not allowed to take more than $2500 or five percent of an employee’s disposable income, whichever is less. Furthermore, the Fair Labor Standards Act requires that the amount that is taken for these expenses not cause the employee’s earnings to drop below minimum wage requirements. The expense cannot take from overtime earnings either.
Changes were also recently made to the laws that require employers to pay workers who have been involuntarily removed from their positions.
The Indianapolis personal injury lawyers at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys would like to applaud our state’s lawmakers for taking a stand in favor of workers’ rights.
Learn about the recent changes made to Indiana wage laws and how they could affect your personal injury case. Contact us for more information.