If you own, operate, or ride in a car, consider this. Distracted driving is on the rise, and there’s not much you can do to protect yourself and your family. From checking the phone to putting on makeup, nearly every driver out on the road has engaged in distraction while behind the wheel, and nearly every time they’ve put themselves and others in danger. Thousands of accidents every year are caused by distracted driving, leading to serious injuries and even death. Is reading that text or watching that Snapchat while driving worth someone’s life?
At Stewart & Stewart, we believe in justice. If a negligent, careless, or distracted driver has severely altered or ended the life of a loved one, we believe that driver should be held responsible for the pain they’ve caused. As your car accident attorney, we’ll do more than handle the heavy lifting associated with your injury claim. We’ll fully investigate why your accident happened and whether or not it could have been avoided.
If you or someone you love was hit by a distracted driver, call our experienced Indiana car accident attorneys today for a free consultation. We’ll fight to get you maximum compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and more. Don’t wait to get the help you need. Contact us today.