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Drivers Struggle to Keep Up With New Auto Safety Technology

Oct 7, 2015 | Auto Accident


Automobile manufacturers are scrambling in a race to develop new technologies that will make vehicles safer. But could all of these new safety features actually be failing at their mission of reducing accidents? The Indianapolis car accident lawyers at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys point out some data indicates the answer to that question is “yes”.

A survey conducted by the University of Iowa showed that more than half of all drivers don’t fully understand the safety features of their vehicle. Experts say the reason is that auto manufacturers fail to educate motorists about the features, which often results in motorists simply turning them off altogether.

These findings prompted the researchers to partner with the U.S. Department of Transportation to educate drivers about the safety features in their vehicles.

You can learn more about your vehicle’s safety features by visiting The website provides a list of the safety technologies found in a majority of today’s vehicles and offers motorists a video tutorial about how each feature functions.

Safety features can save lives. The Indianapolis personal injury lawyers at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys encourage you to get up to speed on how the safety features in your car work. Doing so could save your life!


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