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Indianapolis Drug Injury Lawyer

Too often the dangerous health risks and side effects of drugs are downplayed, or even worse, hidden from the public. You may not have been properly warned by the manufacturer that the drug you’ve been using could cause alarming side effects that result in a drug injury such as: primary pulmonary hypertension, hemorrhagic stroke, kidney damage, fatal blood clots, kidney failure, and diabetes.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration works hard to get stricter labels for these drugs, but frequently the warning comes too late. By the time the FDA can act, many reports of serious drug injury have occurred before the drug is recalled.

If you have suffered a drug injury on the behalf of someone else’s negligence, get Stewart. Contact one of our experienced Indiana drug injury lawyers to help guide you through this confusing process.

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How Drug Recalls Work

  • FDA alert—The FDA will discover or be informed of the problem drug. Several ways they make the initial discovery include:
    • the drug manufacturer discovering the problem drug
    • the FDA inspecting the drug
    • the FDA receives reports of health problems caused by the drug
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention contacts the FDA
    • Inform the public—If a drug has been recalled, the FDA will hold press conferences, issue press releases, and post updates to their Web site. They also report it in their weekly Enforcement Report alerting the public of the hazardous product.
    • Drug evaluation—The FDA will evaluate if the drug manufacturer effectively followed recall procedure and the drug has been successfully removed and/or corrected. The drug manufacturer’s actions will be reviewed and the FDA will try to determine why the drug complications occurred.
  • For more information on drug recalls, visit the FDA website.

    The highly competitive pharmaceutical industry acts aggressively to market their products for profit, but an Indianapolis injury lawyer from Stewart & Stewart Attorneys will fight back to get you the best settlement possible. You shouldn’t have to endure pain and suffering as a result of a drug manufacturer’s carelessness.

What Can I Do?

If you suffered from an Indiana drug injury, contact a successful Indianapolis drug injury attorney at Stewart & Stewart so they can fight for your legal rights and hold the company responsible for your Indiana drug injury.

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If you have been involved in an Indiana personal injury accident, contact us at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys. Our Indiana personal injury lawyers represent victims throughout the state, including Carmel and Anderson. We have also successfully advocated for clients throughout the area, including Fort Wayne, Gary, Indianapolis, South Bend. Complete a free online consultation form or call us at (800) 33-33-LAW!

Stewart & Stewart Attorneys have the knowledge and experience to defend your rights in the following areas of Indiana injury law: auto accident, brain injury, drug injury, defective product, fire and burn injury, insurance dispute, medical malpractice, motorcycle accident, nursing home abuse, slip and fall,  truck accident, workers’ compensation and wrongful death.