Setting up decorations around your home for Halloween can be a great way to get into the spirit of the holiday, but they can also present a serious risk of fire and burn injuries.
Data from the National Fire Protection Association shows that decorations are the first thing to ignite in roughly 920 home fires per year. Those accidents result in approximately six fatalities and 47 injuries annually. Furthermore, more than half of those fires are started because decorations are too close to heat sources. Roughly 40 percent of fires are started by decorations with candles, such as jack-o-lanterns.
So what can you do to keep your loved ones and home safe from fires this Halloween? The Indianapolis personal injury lawyers at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys say there are several steps you can take, including:
- Checking Costumes For Safety– Costumes shouldn’t touch the ground, where they can drag and come into contact with flames or heat sources. Masks and makeup should also be examined to ensure they don’t obstruct vision.
- Keeping Decorations Away From Heat Sources and Flammable Objects– Items such as cornstalks or crepe paper are highly flammable and should be kept at least 10 feet from flames and heat sources. Jack-o-lanterns and candles should be placed in locations that are at least 10 feet from flammable objects.
- Using Safe Lighting– Children should carry a glow stick or flashlight when trick-or-treating, rather than candles. Glow sticks are also a safe and spooky alternative to jack-o-lantern candles.
- Keeping Exits Clear– In the event of a fire, being able to escape will be crucial. Keep exits clear and have an escape plan ready.
We hope these tips help you to have a safe and fun Halloween!