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Indiana Community College Professor Falls From Tower

Nov 3, 2011 | Personal Injury, Slip and Fall, Wrongful Death


November 2, 2011

A new faculty member at the Lafayette, Indiana, campus of Ivy Tech Community College died Wednesday after falling from a tower on the campus while instructing students. FOX 59 News reports the 70-foot tower is used to train students how to climb up and down a wind turbine as part of the sustainable energy curriculum at the school.

The 36-year-old professor was leading a “rating exercise” with students around noon when the accident happened. Investigators are unsure what happened, but say the instructor fell from the top of the tower in front of the students. Paramedics were immediately contacted, but were unable to revive the man and he was declared dead at the scene.

The accident shows the dangers that jobs working in high places can be dangerous. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) suggest the best ways for those workers to stay safe is to always double check your equipment before going up and always be tied off to a safety line while at heights.

The Indiana Wrongful Death Attorneys with Stewart & Stewart often handle cases for families of victims who were killed in on-the-job accidents at no fault of their own. Contact us today by filling out a free online consultation form so that we may discuss the details of your case further and answer any questions you may have.

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