Be honest. How do you feel every month when your car insurance premium is deducted from your bank account? Do you feel protected? For the amount of money you pay every year, you should, but in actuality, it’s easy to question whether or not your best interests are protected in the event of an accident. The reason you feel that way is insurance companies need to make profit. They do that by taking in more premiums than they pay out in claims. It’s that simple. If you’re involved in a serious accident, do you really think the insurance company is going to automatically pay you maximum compensation for your injuries?
At Stewart & Stewart, we’ve been fighting insurance companies for our clients for decades. We know how they operate, and we’re not afraid to take them to court if they don’t play fair. Car accident victims have enough to worry about with their physical recoveries. They don’t need the added stress of dealing with an insurance adjuster looking out for the company’s bottom line. That’s why an experienced Indiana car accident attorney is so important in your situation. Our legal team can fully investigate your case and fight to get you maximum compensation.
If you’ve been injured, call the car accident attorneys at Stewart & Stewart. Let us put our experience to work for you.