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Maximize Your Motorcycle Accident Compensation in Indiana

Aug 30, 2023 | Motorcycle Accident


When you first hopped on your bike however many years ago, you knew motorcycle accidents would be a risk as long as you continued the hobby. But you may have never imagined the extent of the physical pain and expenses you’d experience from a crash.

Motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic, and if another driver was at fault, you shouldn’t need to pay a penny of the resulting expenses. Review these tips to maximize your accident compensation, then contact an Indiana motorcycle accident attorney for personalized guidance throughout your claim. 

Seek Medical Attention ASAP

In the hours after your motorcycle accident, you may initially feel fine, if not slightly banged up. But the shock of the accident could cause you to overlook more serious injuries. Even if you feel okay, you should seek medical attention as soon after the accident as possible to identify and treat all underlying injuries. 

Doing so can also help maximize your compensation. You’ll have clear documentation of all your injuries, and the defendant won’t be able to claim that they arose after the accident due to some other cause. You’ll also be able to place a monetary value on your injuries, as you’ll have medical bills to submit as part of your motorcycle accident claim. 

Document Everything

The more evidence you have in your personal injury case, the greater the compensation you serve to gain. Insurance companies want solid proof of all the expenses you incurred from the motorcycle accident. If you can point to every bill and expense you’ve owed since the accident, the insurer will know exactly what they need to reimburse. 

Make sure to keep track of all the following evidence after the crash:

  • Receipts
  • Medical bills
  • Photos of the damage to your motorcycle
  • Documentation showing time off work
  • Dashcam footage

Aside from hanging on to all bills and receipts, you should document any changes to your injuries. Take photos of bruises and lacerations regularly to show how they have healed or worsened over time. Even if you don’t end up using some of this documentation, it’s better to have it and not need it than the other way around. 

Your Indiana motorcycle accident attorney can help collect and preserve all relevant evidence in your case. 

Take Caution When Speaking With Insurance Adjusters

If the at-fault driver had insurance, their insurance company should reach out in the days following the accident to collect details about the crash and process the claim. But you should always keep in mind that insurance adjusters are not your friends. They’re seeking evidence to reduce your payout or deny your claim. 

You must exercise caution when communicating with anyone from the at-fault driver’s insurance company, as saying the wrong thing could cost you your claim. Avoid saying “I’m sorry,” providing unnecessary details about the accident, or admitting that anything you did contributed to the crash. Many accident victims choose to only speak with the insurance adjusters while in the presence of their attorneys. 

Work With a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Working with an attorney is a wise decision if you want to maximize your motorcycle accident compensation. 

Motorcycle accident attorneys have experience helping clients through motorcycle accident insurance claims and lawsuits. Your lawyer can provide professional guidance throughout your case, help you collect as much valuable evidence as possible, speak to all parties on your behalf, and ensure your payout accurately reflects your damages. 

Are you looking for an experienced Indiana motorcycle accident attorney? The team at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys has helped numerous accident victims across Indianapolis maximize their compensation. Call 317-933-8241 for a free case review

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Stewart & Stewart Attorneys have the knowledge and experience to defend your rights in the following areas of Indiana injury law: auto accident, brain injury, drug injury, defective product, fire and burn injury, insurance dispute, medical malpractice, motorcycle accident, nursing home abuse, slip and fall,  truck accident, workers’ compensation and wrongful death.