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Move Over for Stopped Emergency Vehicles

Aug 3, 2017 | Auto Accident


Indiana law requires that all drivers change lanes when they approach stopped emergency vehicles on two or four-lane roadways.

“Move Over Laws” are on the books in states throughout the country to protect police officers, firefighters, paramedics, utility, and rescue workers who often work just a few feet from speeding vehicles.

If you see any of the following vehicles stopped on the side of a street, highway, or interstate, you should change lanes as soon as it’s safe to do so:

  • Ambulances
  • Fire trucks
  • Highway incident-response vehicles
  • Highway maintenance vehicles
  • Highway patrol cars
  • Police cruisers
  • Rescue vehicles
  • Tow trucks
  • Utility service vehicles

Changing lanes can help you avoid the risk of striking a stopped vehicle, pedestrian, or emergency responder, but it’s important to be cautious when you follow the law. If you don’t have room or time to change lanes, reduce your speed and proceed near the stopped vehicle with caution.

Drivers who violate the state’s “Move Over Law” by failing to change lanes or slow down can be charged with a fine and lose their licenses for up to two years if they cause an accident that damages property or results in the injury or death of an emergency worker.

Were you or someone you love injured in an accident that could have been prevented if the driver changed lanes? If so, you can contact Stewart & Stewart’s team of Indiana auto accident lawyers for a free consultation. You shouldn’t have to suffer because of someone else’s negligence. Let us fight for your rights to compensation.

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