May 20, 2010
The South Bend Tribune reports that prosecutors are suggesting the South Bend owner of an SUV involved in the death of a South Bend police officer may be held liable.
According to details in the case, the South Bend SUV owner lent his uninsured vehicle to the drunk driver who caused the South Bend auto accident. Prosecutors believe the South Bend SUV owner should be held liable in the South Bend wrongful death lawsuit based on their claim that he lent the vehicle knowing that the driver was incompetent.
Others named in the suit are the driver who caused the accident, and the Mishawaka bar where the driver drank before the South Bend auto accident occurred.
Do you think the South Bend owner of the SUV should be held liable? He was not the one driving, but is he culpable for lending his SUV?
If you or a loved one has been injured in a South Bend auto accident that was not your fault, the South Bend auto accident lawyers at Stewart & Stewart can help you.