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Trucking Accident Legal Help in Indiana

Sep 7, 2016 | Truck Accident


At Stewart & Stewart, we have a deep respect for truck drivers, as they make life as we know it possible in communities throughout the U.S. Without truckers, we wouldn’t have the commodities such as groceries, fuel, or clothing. That responsibility comes with a lot of pressure, especially for the trucking companies. They need to run their routes on time and often to keep the system going, sometimes at the expense of their drivers.

When truck drivers are required to drive fatigued or without proper recovery time, the results can be devastating. Many tractor-trailer loads weigh upwards of 80,000 lbs. The amount of force behind that type of load can completely demolish a car in a split second. It only takes one lapse of concentration and/or judgment to forever change the lives of a driver, a family, or an entire community. That’s why it’s vitally important that every truck accident victim stand up to the trucking companies to get justice for themselves, as well as help ensure someone else doesn’t suffer the same fate.

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, give us a call today at Stewart & Stewart for a free consultation. We’ll hold the trucking company responsible for your injuries accountable by fighting to get you maximum compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Don’t wait to get legal help. Call us today.

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If you have been involved in an Indiana personal injury accident, contact us at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys. Our Indiana personal injury lawyers represent victims throughout the state, including Carmel and Anderson. We have also successfully advocated for clients throughout the area, including Fort Wayne, Gary, Indianapolis, South Bend. Complete a free online consultation form or call us at (800) 33-33-LAW!

Stewart & Stewart Attorneys have the knowledge and experience to defend your rights in the following areas of Indiana injury law: auto accident, brain injury, drug injury, defective product, fire and burn injury, insurance dispute, medical malpractice, motorcycle accident, nursing home abuse, slip and fall,  truck accident, workers’ compensation and wrongful death.