At Stewart & Stewart Attorneys, we take great pride in assisting people in our communities. That’s why our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers are excited to announce Interfaith Hospitality Network of Indianapolis as our Charity of the Month.
This great organization is part of the Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis, an organization that began in 1994 as a means to eliminate homelessness from our city’s streets. Since that time, the group has assisted thousands of locals in the process of getting back on their feet by putting a roof over their heads.
Officials from the organization were proud to announce they placed to families in new homes just days before Thanksgiving, but with the holidays coming up, there are even more families in need. You can do your part to help this wonderful group with just one click.
For every unique “Like” we receive on our Facebook page during the month of December; we’ll donate $1 to the Interfaith Hospitality Network of Indianapolis. If you wish to donate your time to the Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis, you can contact the organization to set up an opportunity to volunteer at one of their upcoming events.
We’re hopeful you’ll do your part to help the homeless here in Indianapolis this holiday season!