We are always looking for ways to serve our neighbors outside the courtroom, but we can’t fill every need on our own. Our community needs your support too, so we’ve put together a few great volunteer options throughout the Indianapolis area:
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation offering pro bono legal representation and preventive legal education to low-income families, including immigrant families. Visit their website to learn more about several legal and non-legal volunteer opportunities with Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic.
Youth For Understanding
Youth for Understanding is a nonprofit international educational organization with partners in more than 60 different countries. It is one of the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected intercultural exchange programs. Click here to learn about how you can help.
Partnership For Lawrence
Partnership for Lawrence (PFL) is a nonprofit organization working to improve education, business, and quality of life in the community. With a focus in the arts, the program hosts several events and community projects that they need your help with. Click here to learn more about volunteer opportunities with PFL.
Gleaners Food Bank
Gleaners reaches thousands of people who need food assistance. They help the working poor, the unemployed, single parents, and the elderly. They aid the homeless, the disabled, and the mentally ill. And they assist battered women, victims of disaster and helpless children. Check out the Gleaners website to learn how you can join the fight against hunger and help your neighbors.
Habitat For Humanity
Habitat for Humanity has long been known for providing homes for people around the world. We have families in our own back yard who need support, and you can help! Click here to learn about opportunities to help in the Indianapolis area.
The team at Stewart and Stewart is proud to support our community. We hope you’ll join us.