Traumatic brain injury (TBI) victims often display changes in mood and/or personality. The Indianapolis brain injury lawyers at Stewart & Stewart Attorneys point out that as many as 60 percent of TBI patients are diagnosed with a condition known as alexithymia, which can be identified by the patient displaying difficulties recognizing his or her own emotional state, as well as that of others.
Researchers have developed new technology that could one day help rehabilitate TBI patients suffering from alexithymia and similar conditions. Furthermore, one company has began testing on a video game that could help treat TBI patients experiencing difficulties expressing their emotions.
An April article from Med City News reports that software creators, EmotEd, are in the beginning stages of launching testing on a scenario-based video game for TBI patients. The game was developed by an associate professor at the University of Indiana School of Medicine in conjunction with the Indiana University School of Informatics and Indiana-based company, DeveloperTown.
The game works by teaching TBI victims how to identify and recognize emotions in themselves and others.
One of the groundbreaking aspects about the game is that it’s an online experience, meaning users can play the game at home. This reinforces what is learned during rehabilitation therapy sessions without many of the costs.
At Stewart & Stewart Attorneys, we are hopeful that technology can be used to help provide faster and more efficient treatment for brain injury victims. Our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers are anxious to see how TBI treatment continues to evolve.