A workplace injury is, in many ways, the worst type of injury you can sustain. Beyond the physical harm done to your body, it also puts a strain on your relationship with your employer and leaves you and your family wondering how you’re going to make ends meet. You might assume that you’re automatically covered under workers’ compensation insurance, but securing the benefits you deserve may not be as simple a task as you may think. Not every employer in Indiana is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance, so determining whether or not you’re eligible for benefits could be tricky.
That’s why it’s vitally important that you call a workers’ compensation attorney immediately following your accident. There are a number of dynamics involved in workplace injuries that you may not be immediately aware of, and this is not a time to be naïve and assume your employer will do the right thing. They may have a vested interest in covering the accident up completely, leaving you in a financially precarious position. Calling a lawyer at the very least lets you know your options, and at Stewart & Stewart, that consultation is always free.
If you’ve been injured on the job, call our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys today for a free consultation. Your workers’ compensation benefits are too important to your family for you to try and go it alone, so contact us today.