The goal of most programs for the disabled in the United States is to offer the assistance that’s necessary to get individuals back into the workforce. What happens when a disabled worker returns to a job and is injured again though? Who should be liable for those expenses? In Indiana, the Second Injury Fund is used to address these questions.
According to the Indiana Workers’ Compensation Institute, the fund is used to alleviate some of the expenses employers who hire partially disabled workers will face if an accident occurs that causes one of these individuals to suffer a second—and permanently disabling—accident. This encourages employers to hire partially disabled workers by only leaving them liable for Indiana workers’ compensation benefits that could be associated with injuries sustained in a secondary accident.
A recent report shows the fund is in good standing, with a balance last month of approximately $1.9 million. Monthly expenses are expected to range between $96,000 and almost $430,000.
Applying to receive funds from the program can be complicated. That’s why the Indiana personal injury lawyers with Stewart & Stewart Attorneys suggest discussing your legal rights with a professional in the field of law prior to submitting your paperwork for benefits. Doing so can help ensure all of your documentation is together and the questions you have are answered prior to filing.
To discuss your case with a member of our legal team, call us at (800) 33-33-LAW.