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Could Osteoperosis Play A Role In Slip and Fall Accidents?

Jan 9, 2013 | Slip and Fall


January 9, 2013

Experts with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that Slip and Fall accidents are the leading cause of injury for citizens who are over the age of 65 years old, considering one out of three adults that age suffers an injury from a fall each year. These accidents can often lead to broken bones and other life-threatening injuries, yet not enough is done to prevent further injuries from re-occurring.

An article from USA Today, points out that all too often older adults who suffer from slip and fall accidents may also have developed a condition known as osteoporosis where the bones in the body begin to lose mass and deteriorate. Research from the National Bone Health Alliance points out that more than two million slip and Fall incidents that occur in the Untied States each year are linked to the condition, yet less than 20 percent of those who are over the age of 64 years old and suffer a fall undergo testing to see if they have developed osteoporosis.

Experts say there are several options available to treat the loss of bone mass that are widely accepted by the medical community, including taking Bisphosphonates, Calcium, and Vitamin D.

The Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers with Stewart and Stewart Injury Lawyers believe making sure that the elderly have their bone mass checked on a regular basis and treating osteoporosis at the first signs of onset can work to greatly reduce the chances of an individual suffering injuries from a slip and fall accident.


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