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Stop Distracted Driving in 2 Easy Steps

Jan 20, 2016 | Auto Accident


Distracted Driving

Seconds matter. According to a 2009 study, drivers take their eyes off the road an average of 4.6 seconds every time they text and drive. Don’t think much happens in 4.6 seconds? Consider this. At 55 mph, you’ll travel the length of football field in less time than it takes to send a text message. In the city, you could travel several blocks. In a residential area, you could pass dozens of homes. It only takes one child running out in front of you to change your life forever.

The simplest solution to mitigating this danger is to not text and drive, but that’s easier said than done. In this technological era, we all feel pressure to stay connected, making it tempting to glance down at your phone while on an open stretch. Seems innocent enough. After all, it’s just one text. But having handled several cases involving distracted driving, we’ve seen firsthand how just one text can lead to tragedy.

So, how do you beat the temptation? By taking your phone out of the equation all together. It’s a simple two-step process. Before you put the key in the ignition, turn your phone off. Then put it away, either in your pocket, in your purse, or in the glove compartment. Without the alluring ping of a new text message, social media notification, or voicemail to entice you, you’re less likely to pick your phone up while in transit.

When you arrive safely at your destination, pull your phone out and power it back on. We guarantee you didn’t miss anything more important than your life.

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